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RevOps for the CMO

What RevOps Means for Your Organisation

Revenue Operations, or RevOps, aligns Marketing, Sales and Service strategies
and activity within your organisation - to increase revenue,
optimise performance and grow faster.

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More Deals Closed

By companies with aligned revenue support (source: HubSpot)

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More Marketing Revenue

Achieved when companies align marketing, sales and service to unified targets (source: HubSpot)

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Faster Growth

Achieved by companies with aligned revenue support (source: Forrester)

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Why More and More CMOs are Talking RevOps

Traditional ‘persuasion’ marketing is outmoded. 

Customers no longer want to be sold to. They want to be guided to make the right buying choices from companies they can relate to and trust.

Create a winning brand experience at every stage of the sales cycle - Awareness, Consideration and Decision - with the right people, processes and platforms.

End any disconnect between Marketing and Sales which could impact poorly on performance and optimum marketing ROI. Enjoy better results by aligning the two teams under one revenue goal.

RevOps gets Sales to support your Marketing efforts, and vice versa, for mutual gain.

How 6teen30 Digital Supports Your RevOps Marketing Success

As HubSpot, Databox, and RevOps specialists since 2012, we're committed to propelling growth for SaaS and Tech companies.

Our approach aligns and optimizes your marketing strategies, ensuring cohesion between your team, technology, and customer journey.

This strategic harmony is crucial for CMOs seeking measurable success, fueling growth, ensuring revenue predictability, and enhancing operational efficiency in the rapidly evolving digital landscape

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What You Can Expect from RevOps

RevOps, with the HubSpot Growth Suite, delivers powerfully for Marketing:

  • Get Sales and Client Service aligned with Marketing for better performance

  • Generate more higher quality leads

  • End ‘silo mentality’ and make all teams accountable to revenue, not just Sales

  • Streamline processes and get your tech systems ‘talking to each other’

  • Improve communications and collaboration between Marketing and Sales

  • Provide real time data and analytics for better decision-making

  • Serve prospects better and speed up the sales cycle

  • Deliver more predictable marketing performance and improved ROI.

According to HubSpot research, companies with aligned revenue support are 15% more profitable.

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11 Imperative Inbound Rev Ops Strategies for World Beating Marketing Success

In this guide learn why Rev Ops success numbers are gaining CMO's attention
and how to achieve dynamic performance growth in an uncertain world by getting sales and customer service working for your team.


Aligning the C-Suite

RevOps is designed to deliver alignment within the C-Suite and across the organisation.

Explore our summaries of how RevOps (and the 6teen30 Digital team) supports each executive role to achieve stronger, faster and more profitable growth.

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Discover how RevOps can help the CEO to create a road map of certainty and maintain a dynamic growth strategy.

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Delivering the numbers is less pressured when the Sales team is aligned with Marketing and Customer Services. RevOps shows your CRO the way.

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Find out how a RevOps approach helps the CFO build resilience, align all stakeholders and increase agility with minimised risk.

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A COO is expected to meet ever-changing demands for growth. RevOps helps you build robust and flexible capacity and bring it all together.

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Find out more about how RevOps helps the CIO deliver more for less - and drives positive profitability across the organisation.

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For the CTO who needs to keep customers happy, accelerate digital transformation and maintain data security, RevOps has some good answers.

Schedule a Fractional GTM Evaluation Call

Discover how our Fractional GTM services can drive your success. In this evaluation and demonstration call, we will cover:

  • Business Overview: Introduction and identification of your GTM stage
  • Challenges and Goals: Discuss current challenges and plan future goals
  • Process Walkthrough: Explore our GTM and RevOps processes
  • Service Recommendations: Tailored suggestions for Fractional Services to help deliver your goals 
  • Investment Review: Review of investment model options.
A successful outcome in 60 minutes ensures we are a good fit, understand your challenges, set realistic goals, demonstrate our process, and introduce our Fractional Services and investment options.

Ready to take the first no obligation step?

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Get HubSpot CRM Professional Customer Platform for Free SAVE $15k - Take Out GTM Audit For More Details
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Take the GTM Audit To Get Started

Is Your Go To Market Strategy Underperforming? - Stress test it, uncover critical gaps and opportunities in your GTM approach and get actionable insights to drive rapid improvement and growth.