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Be Strategic.

With A Go To Market Strategy GamePlan
GTM Engineering

Transform your vision into action through our Strategic GamePlan playbooks.
As your North Star, the GamePlan is a blueprint to build your RevOps machine
automation aligning your revenue teams around a unified strategy.

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30 Day Impact Sessions

An initial 30 day impact focused 4 stage process provides a robust foundation to benchmark your organization.

630 - Product Icons - Blue_RevOps Strategic Gameplan

Adopt Your Strategic GamePlan

Secure team buy in, design & adopt your new GTM RevOps Strategy that is executed each quarter against pre determined business goals.

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Choose Your Machine & Growth Execution

Your GTM RevOps Strategy includes Product led, Sales Led, Event Led and Partner Led models for your HubSpot machine automation build.

RevOps Strategy Success On Your Terms

In the first 30 days of our fractional GTM RevOps services, we deliver immediate impact through our bespoke four-step playbook, transforming your SaaS/tech operations from insights to strategic execution.

With immediate impact achieved, our fractional team partners with you to execute a comprehensive GTM framework, collaborative sessions and initiatives are driven from 7 operating areas and 37 playbooks to create positive operational and revenue impact, ensuring we focus on the most important initiatives each quarter.

Go To Market Strategy 1
Operating Model

Establish a solid foundation with clear roles, strategic goals, financial forecasts, and process mappings to drive efficiency.

Playbooks Included:

  • GTM Maturity Audit
  • Evaluation Matrix - TOWS, SOAR, VRIO
  • Financial Summary Forecast
  • Goal Planning OKRs & GAP Analysis (including Marketing & Sales Goals)
  • Revenue Team Roles & Metrics (including Sales Process Design)
  • Current State Process Mapping
Playbook 1
Go To Market Strategy 2
Market Insights

Gain deep market understanding through segmentation, competitor analysis, ideal client profiles, and customer journeys.

Playbooks Included:

  • TAM, SAM, SOM (inc Market Segmentation)
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Ideal Client & Partner Profiles 
  • Persona Buying Committees & Champions
  • Jobs to Be Done - Success Outcomes
  • Customer Journeys
  • Future State Process Mapping
Playbook 2
Go To Market Strategy 3
Product & Service Fit

Align product offerings with market needs, optimize pricing strategies, and craft compelling value propositions and messaging.

Playbooks Included:

  • PLG SLG & Associated Services Audit
  • Product Value Ladder
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Value Proposition
  • Messaging & Positioning
Playbook 3
Go To Market Strategy 4
Tech Stack Integration

Audit and optimize your tech stack, ensuring seamless API integrations and effective enablement across the revenue team and wider organization.

Playbooks Included:

  • Tech Stack Audit (inc Marketing Automation Tools)
  • Integration & API (inc CRM Optimization)
  • Tech Stack Enablement Strategy
Playbook 4
Go To Market Strategy 5
Revenue Model - GTM Motions

Develop and execute strategies for demand generation, outbound and inbound sales, events, partnerships, and customer retention.

Playbooks Included:
GTM Motions

  • Demand Generation & Capture
  • Outbound - Sales Led (inc ABM)
  • Inbound - Product Led
  • Inbound - Content & Thought Leadership
  • Inbound / Outbound - Event Led
  • Nearbound - Ecosystem & Partnerships
  • Nearbound - Community Led
  • Retention - Customer Success Expansion
Playbook 5
Go To Market Strategy 6
Revenue Ops Team Alignment & SLAs

Optimize team alignment with clear handoff points and SLAs between marketing, sales, and customer success teams.

Playbooks Included:

  • Identifying Handoff Points
  • Establishing Marketing to Sales SLAs
  • Establishing Sales to Customer Success SLAs
  • Creating Relevant SLAs for Each Revenue Team
Playbook 6
Go To Market Strategy 7
Performance Analytics

Enhance data quality and analytics capabilities with audits, data modeling, dashboards, and performance tracking.

Playbooks Included:

  • Data & Analytics Audit
  • Data Hygiene
  • Data Modelling & Maturity (inc Customer Health Score)
  • Performance & Revenue Dashboards (inc Campaign Performance Metrics)
Playbook 7

Schedule a Fractional GTM Evaluation Call

Discover how our Fractional GTM services can drive your success. In this evaluation and demonstration call, we will cover:

  • Business Overview: Introduction and identification of your GTM stage
  • Challenges and Goals: Discuss current challenges and plan future goals
  • Process Walkthrough: Explore our GTM and RevOps processes
  • Service Recommendations: Tailored suggestions for Fractional Services to help deliver your goals 
  • Investment Review: Review of investment model options.
A successful outcome in 60 minutes ensures we are a good fit, understand your challenges, set realistic goals, demonstrate our process, and introduce our Fractional Services and investment options.

Ready to take the first no obligation step?

Teal - #RevOpsLife
Get HubSpot CRM Professional Customer Platform for Free SAVE $15k - Take Out GTM Audit For More Details
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Take the GTM Audit To Get Started

Is Your Go To Market Strategy Underperforming? - Stress test it, uncover critical gaps and opportunities in your GTM approach and get actionable insights to drive rapid improvement and growth.